<- 1-162 ->
Puya coarctata is a synonym of:

<- Puya chilensis Molina
(subgen. Puya)

Publ: Sag. Stor. Nat. Chili) 160, 351 (1782)

Type: Description (herbarium and types of Molina unknown [Stafleu & Cowan, 1981]); Chile. Región VIII: Prov. Concepción, Los Perones, acantilado frente al mar, detrás del Cerro Teta Sur, 30 m s. m., 36° 45’S, 73°11’W, 20 Nov 1975, M. Quezada 174 (neotype, here designated: CONC 45034, two sheets; photocopy of CONC specimens: FR5364, FR-5365). (Fig. 1)

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Distribution: Chile

Habitat: Grows in stony terrain close to the coast and in interior mountains., sea level - 900 m. Elev. img

Phenology: Flowering from August to November.

Puya chilensis