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<- Pitcairnia espejoi Beutelspacher et García-Martínez

Publ: Lacandonia 13(1&2): 47-52 (2019)

Type: MÉXICO. Chiapas. Municipio de Villa Corzo, reserva ecológica comunal Sierra Morena, en el sendero Mirador, 1,200 msn , 16° 09’ 14.2’’ N, 93° 36’ 51.1’’ O. Selva Húmeda de Montaña, 6 de Julio de 2019. R. García-Martínez 136 (HEM). Isotipo: C.R. Beutelspacher s. n.(HEM).

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Distribution: MÉXICO. Chiapas

Habitat: Terrestrial or rupicolous herb in cloud forest, ca 1200 m. Elev.

Etymology: The specific epithet of the new species honors Dr. Adolfo Espejo Serna, a leading researcher and teacher of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), and who has dedicated his life to the study of Mexican monocotiledons, particularly the Bromeliaceae family, of which he has described numerous new species for science, as well as revisions of genera and complete listings of both the bromelioflora family of Mexico , as of Chiapas and other states of the country.

Phenology: The only records of flowering Pitcairnia espejoi that exist to date come from cultivated specimens, which develop their inflorescences from the rainy season, between the months of May to July, coinciding with the development of the outer leaves. The capsules are not known.

Pitcairnia espejoi