<- 34- 6.6 ->

<- Orthophytum gouveianum Leme & O.B.C. Ribeiro
(subgen. Clavanthus)

Publ: Phytotaxa 430(3): 196-197 (fig. 17 A–E) (2020)

Type: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Gouveia, near Camelinho, secondary road to Fazenda do Zezé (Milton), deviation on the right from BR 259, after three gates, rock outcrop in the valley, 1118 m elevation, 18°30’42.5”S, 43°51’35.1”W, 10 August 2017, E. Leme 9244, O. Ribeiro & R. Oliveira (holotype RB!)

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Distribution: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais

Habitat: saxicolous in accumulated organic material on partially shaded, more or less horizontal rock outcrops in the Campos Rupestres vegetation, ca 1120 m. Elev. img

Etymology: The name chosen for this new species refers to the county of Gouveia where it was found, in Minas Gerais state

Orthophytum gouveianum