<- 15-208.2 ->

<- Vriesea mourae Kessous, B. Neves & A.F. Costa

Publ: Phytotaxa 360(1): 45–53 (fig. 1–2) (2018)

Type: BRAZIL. São Paulo: Bananal, Serra da Bocaina, 6 May 2015, I.M. Kessous & B. Neves 221 (holotype R).

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Distribution: BRAZIL. São Paulo

Habitat: restricted to the Atlantic Rainfores, 800-900 m. Elev. img

Etymology: This species is dedicated to the botanist Dr. Ricardo Loyola de Moura (1977–), a Bromeliaceae expert.

Phenology: Flowering specimens were found from May to September. Fruiting specimens were found in June.

Vriesea mourae