<- 8-240.3 ->

<- Pitcairnia gracielae Gonz.-Rocha, López-Ferr. et Espejo

Publ: Phytotaxa 660(3): 211-214 fig. 1,5 (2024)

Type: MEXICO, Morelos: municipality of Tepoztlán, sendero a la zona arqueológica del Tepozteco 18º59’50.5’’N, 99º05’58.4’’W, 1890 m, 16 April 2016, E. González-Rocha & F. Bonilla 383 (holotype UAMIZ!; isotypes IBUG!, MEXU!)

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Distribution: MEXICO: Mexico state

Habitat: Terrestrial or saxicolous on rocky walls in coniferous and Quercus forests, in relicts of cloud forests, and in tropical deciduous forests, 1700-2500 m. Elev. img

Etymology: The specific epithet honors Dra. Graciela Calderón Díaz Barriga (1931–2022), professor and eminent botanist specialised in various families of angiosperms, whose dedication and constant work contributed significantly to the knowledge of Mexican Flora (Fig. 4B)

Pitcairnia gracielae