<- 12- 61.3 ->

<- Dyckia nobilis H.Büneker

Publ: Phytotaxa 244(1): 60-63 Figs. 2A–H and 3A–H (2016)

Type: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Serro, cerca de 10 km da sede do município, 18 June 2014, fl., H.M. Büneker 296, L.C. de Assis & K.P. Soares (holotype HDCF; isotype RB).

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Distribution: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais

Habitat: growing saxicolous in sedimentary rock

Etymology: The epithet “nobilis” refers to noble, whose Latin origin refers to something that deserves to be known, famous or beautiful, because it is one of the most beautiful Dyckia species to the authors opinion.

Dyckia nobilis