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Billbergia liboniana is a synonym of:

<- Quesnelia liboniana (De Jonghe) Mez
(subgen. Billbergiopsis)

Publ: Bot. Arch. 1: 66 (1922)

Type: Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Petropolis, 11.1851, De Jonghe Hortus s/n. ou estampa em De Jonghe, J. Hort. Prat. Belgique 9, pl.1. 1851.

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Distribution: BRAZIL; Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais,

Habitat: Plants epiphytic or rupicolous, characteristic of the southeast portion of the Atlantic Pluvial Forest, in low-montana and montana formations, to 1200 m. Elev.

Phenology: Q. liboniana flowers throughout the year, but more frequently during the months of June to November. It was found fruiting from August to January.

Quesnelia liboniana