<- 40-109.1 ->

<- Aechmea sumidourensis Leme
(subgen. Platyaechmea)

Publ: J. Brom. Soc. 65(2): 73, 87-99 (figs. 1–4, 5 A–G) (2015)

Type: BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Sumidouro, São Caetano, mata da base da Pedra de São Caetano, mata nebular, 22º 02’ 59.31”S 42º 41’ 52.85” W, 490 m elevation, 11 March 2015, E. Leme 9012 & R. Oliveira (holotype RB!, isotype HB!).

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Distribution: BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro

Habitat: grows typically as a saxicole, forming dense populations, inside hygrophilous Atlantic Forest, ca 490 m. Elev.

Etymology: The epithet of this new species refers to the county of Sumidouro, Rio de Janeiro State, where this new species was discovered.

Aechmea sumidourensis