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<- Aechmea aiuruocensis Leme
(subgen. Aechmea)

Publ: Phytotaxa 16: 3-6 (2011)

Type: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Aiuruoca, Parque Estadual da Serra do Papagaio, Trilha do Fogão para o Pico do Papagaio, 22º 02.01’ S, 44º 39.50’ W, 1755 m, 11 March 2010, Leme 8113 (holotype RB, isotype HB).

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Distribution: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais

Habitat: terrestrial or rupicolous in Atlantic forest, 1700-2000 m. Elev.

Etymology: The epithet refers to the county of Aiuruoca, Minas Gerais State, where this new taxon was discovered.

Aechmea aiuruocensis