Pitcairnia flammea Lindl.
Literature references:
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- Pitcairnia flammea Lindley, Bot. Reg. 13: 1092. 1827. by T Wendt in Selbyana 15(2): 66-78. 1994
Type Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, 1827, Harrison s.n. (CGE, holotype; photo, GH).
Pitcairnia suaveolens Lindley, Bot. Reg. 13: 1069.1827. TYPE: Harrison s.n. (CGE, holotype; photo, RB and HB). Syn. nov. .
Pitcairnia beycalema Beer, Bromel. 63, 1857. TYPE: Schonbrunn Hortus (W). Syn. nov,
Pitcairnia lancifolia Mez in Martius, Fl. Bras. 3(3): 447. 1894. TYPE: Glaziou 3628 (BR, holotype; P, isotype; photo, RB and HB). Serra dos Orgaos, Rio de Janeiro, 20 V 1869. Syn. nov. Now treated as a synonym of P. corcovadensis see Wendt in Systematic Botany (2000), 25 (3); pp389-398
Pitcairnia lancifolia var. minor L. B. Smith, Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro 2 (15): 4. 1952. TYPE: Brade s.n. (R, holotype; photo, RB). Serra da Tijuca, Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, 1931. Syn. nov. Now treated as a synonym of P. corcovadensis see Wendt in Systematic Botany (2000), 25 (3); pp389-398
Pitcairnia pumila Weber, Feddes Rep. 93(5): 347 1982. TYPE: Amanda & Michael Bleher s.n. (WEB, holotype). Serra dos Orgaos, Rio de Janeiro. Syn. nov. Now treated as a synonym of P. corcovadensis see Wendt in Systematic Botany (2000), 25 (3); pp389-398
Material examined Santa Maria Madalena-Estrada para o Sto Antonio do Imbe, 27 IX 1964, fl., Santos 2052 and Flaster 1089 (R, HB); Rifa, 24 III 1955, fl., E. Pereira 1322 (RB); Fazenda Mater Boni, 18 II 1981, fl. and fr., G. Martinelli 7613 (RB). Resende-Itatiaia, 15 II 1942, fl., Brade 17171 (RB); Itatiaia, caminho para o Veu da Noiva, 04 IV 1972, fl., P. I. S. Braga 2456 (RUSU). Petropolis-estrada velha Rio-Petropolis, fl., L. B. Smith & Mus. R 6493 (R lost, RB photocopy); divisa com Pati do Alferes, 23 VII 1968, fl., R. Braga 23 (RB, HB); 09 VI 1978, fl., G. Martinelli et al. 4569 (RB); Morro do Cuca, entre Vale das Videiras e Araras, 26 IX 1977, fl., G. Martinelli 3085 (RB); estrada Rio-Petropolis, 27 III 1964, fl., Fromm 1622 (RB, HB); Serra da Estrela, 28 II 1967, fl., E. Pereira 10545 (HB); Vale do Bonsucesso, 27 I 1968, fl., D. Sucre 2207-A and P. I. S. Braga 65 (RB); Morro do Cuca, entre Vale das Videiras e Araras, 17 XII 1973, fl., G. Martinelli 107 (RB); Rocinha, Pedro do Rio, 24 II 1936, fl., Freire 652 (R). Teresopolis-Dedo de Deus, 03 V 1917, fl., A. J. Sampaio 2444 (R); Serra dos Orgaos, 21 X 1977, fl., G. Martinelli 3314 (RB); 05 II 1955, fl., Vidal s.n. (R); represa dos Guinle, 31 I 1978, fr., A. Gentry 908 (RB); Fazenda Varginha, 02 IV 1986, fl., R. Ribeiro 789 (GUA); Pedra do Cavalo, 1952, fl., Vidal II-1781 (R); para o Garrafao, 13 VI 1940, fl., Brade 16295 (RB, R); 01 IV 1917, A. J. Sampaio 2093 (R); 02 V 1929, fl., Brade 9533 (R); Serra dos Orgaos, III 1841, fl., Gardner 5895 (K); entre Barragem e a Toca dos caqadores, 01 X 1959, fl., P. Carauta 119(R); Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgaos, Museu Martius, 21 X 1977, fl., G. Martinelli 3334 (RB); Rio Beija-Hor, 17 VIII 1983, fl., G. Martinelli 9303 (RB); Garralao, 04 V 1917; fl., A. J. Sampaio 2460 (R). Nova Friburgo-Morro da Caledonia, 08 VI 1977, fl., G. Martinelli et al. 2511(RB); Morro da torre de TV, 06 VII 1976, fl., M. C Viana 807 (GUA); Macae de Cima, 27 XI 1986, fl., G. Martinelli et al. 11949 (RB); entre Teodoro de Oliveira e Nova Friburgo, 20 IV 1952, fl., L. B. Smith 6680-A (R): Rio Macae, perto de Lumiar, 06 VI 1976, fl., F Dungs 23 (HB); picada para Teodoro de Oliveira, 03 XII 1991, fl., T. Wendt & A. Costa 215 (RB); Pedra da Bicuda, 04 X11 1991, fl., T Wendt & A. Costa 220 (RB); estrada Rio-Friburgo, 26 XI 1939, fl., B. Lutz 1339 (R). Mangaratiba-Vale do Rio do Saco, 18 XI 1986, fl., P. Carauta 5397 (GUA). Nova Iguaqu-Tingua, IV 1966, fl., L. Duarte s.n. (GUA). Rio de Janeiro-Horto da Estagao Biologica, 24 IV 1936, fl., A. Castellanos 23886 (RB, GUA); 22 VII 1968, fr., J. P. Lanna Sobrinho 1761 (GUA); Pedra da Gavea, VII 1916, fl., Frazao s.n. (RB); Pico da Tijuca, 14 V 1935, fl., Brade 14494 (RB); 22 III 1960, ft.,.4. Castellanos22709(GUA. HB); Tijuca, fl., Ule 4692 (R); 01 V 1977, fl., P. Curauta 2445 (GUA); Corcovado, 19 V 1987, fr., T. Wendt et al. 128 & 129 (RB); Estrada para o Redentor, 08 IV 1962, fl., G. Pabst et al. 6909 (RB, HB); Morro do Grajau, 28 IV 1947, fl., Mello Filho 544 (R); Copacabana, 11 VII 1889, fl., Schwacke 6665 (RB): Irmao Maior do Leblon, 15 V 1966, fl., P. Carauta 326 (GUA); Av. Niemeyer, 29 VI 1922, fl., Freire & Vidal s. n. (R); 19 V 1966, fl., E. Pereira 10484 (HB); 09 VII 1987, fl., T. Wendt 171(RB); Restinga da Tijuca, 02 IV 1941, fl., O. Machado s. n. (RB); Restinga de Jacarepagua, 07 V 1958, fl., F.. Pereira et al. 3722 (RB, HB); 27 VI 1961 , fl., A. P. Duarte 5881(RB); Restinga de Grumari, 14 VIII 1968, fr., D. Sucre 3536 (RB); Recreio dos Bandeiramtes, 0 1 VI 1935, fl., B. Lutz 902 (R); 11 VI 1946, fl., Mello Filho 497 (R); Restinga de Itapeba, Morro Rangel, 10 V 1964, 0., N Santos 5128 (R); 07 VI 1960, fl., B. Flaster 92 (GUA, HB); Serra da Carioca, 19 1111935, fl., Brade 14380 (RB); caminho para Gruta da Geonoma, 14 I 1976, fl., D. Araujo 939 (GUA); Estrada da Vista Chinesa, 02 XI 1967, fl., J. P. Lanna Sobrinho 1617 (GUA, HB); 05 V 1980, fl. and fr., R. Correia 99 (GUA); Morro Queimado, 31 I 1934, fl., E. Pereira s. n. (HB); Corcovado, III 1897, fl., Ule 4166 (R); Pedra da Gavea, 21 V 1916, fl., A. Lutz 1033 (R); IV 1968, fl., L. B. Smith 6429 (R); 08 VII 1977, fl., Beatriz s.n. (HB). Mage-estrada Rio-Teresopolis, 16 IV 1987, fl., A. Costa 81 (RB); Garrafao, II 1952, H., Vidal II-751 (R). Niteroi-Itaipu, Morro Andorinhas, 14 IV 1980, fl., D. Araujo 3780 (GUA). Silva Jardim-Juturnahiba, 20 VI 1938, fl., A. Passarelli 112 (R). Parati-13 II 1968, R., L. B. Smith & McWilliams 15433 (R); enseada de Paratimirim, 16 III 1968, fl., G. Martinelli 11567 (RB). Angra dos Reis-21 II 1974, fl., Reitz 7584 (RB); Ilha Grande, Praia do Sul, 05 XII 1980, fl., D. Araujo 4205 (GUA).
Smith (1943) considered several species of Pitcairnia to be varieties of P. flammea, arguing that the characteristics used in the separation of the species proved to be inconstant as the volume of herbarium material grew. He defined five varieties in addition to the typical, which are: P. flammea var. roezlii (E. Morr.) L. B. Smith, P. flammea var. floccosa L. B. Smith, P. flammea var. corcovadensis (Wawra) L. B. Smith, P. flammea var. glabrior L. B. Smith and P. flammea var. pallida L. B. Smith. His key to the varieties, where the use of expressions such as "mostly" and "usually" as well as overlapping measurements, indicates a difficulty in defining the varieties.
Smith and Reitz (1967) proposed another new variety, P. flammea var. macropoda, and Pereira (1977) described P. flammea var. spiculosa. These two varieties have not been reported as occurring in the State of Rio de Janeiro.
The new synonymies proposed here for P. flammea are not related to any of the seven varieties mentioned above. In order to reach an understanding about the validity of these varieties, a thorough investigation on the variation pattern within the several plant communities is necessary.
Pitcairnia suaveolens was collected by Harrison in Rio de Janeiro and flowered while in cultivation in England in 1826, as well as P. flammea. Smith and Downs (1974) cited only a few specimens of P. suaveolens for the States of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro; however none of these exsiccatae are found in Brazilian herbaria. These consist of very old collections. The examination of Gardner 5895's collection of 1841 revealed that it is positively a specimen of P. flarnmea. The types could only be compared through photographs, where they showed many similarities and no relevant difference. However, the original description of P. suaveolens mentions the presence of an appendage on the petal. Since this information could not possibly be checked, this synonym is marked with an interrogation mark
Pitcairnia beycalema is represented in the collections by five specimens, two for Rio de Janeiro State and three, including the type, originated from cultivation, without a defined provenance. The material of Smith & Mus R 6493. of which a photocopy has been examined, is similar to the specimens of P. flammea. It was not possible to examine the type; however the original description shows no relevant taxonomic characteristic to justify its maintenance as an independent species.
Pitcairnia lancifolia, known only from the type, and P. lancifolia var. minor, known from the type and one collection, are known from the Serra dos Orgaos and Serra da Tijuca. where specimens of P. flammea have been collected abundantly. The distinctive characteristic of the former two taxa is the presence of petiolated leaves. However, a closer examination of these specimens reveals that rather than petiolated leaves (such as those found in P. sprucei Baker, for instance). the leaves of these plants are narrowed right above the sheath, which can also be seen in different gradients for P. flammea specimens. This observation indicates that the petiolated leaves characteristic has been wrongly attributed to P. lancifolia.
Pitcairnia pumila is known only from the type collection at Serra dos Orgaos. It was described based on a depauperate specimen, of which not even the petals are known. There is no characteristic in the original description which could distinguish this species from P. flammea with which Weber did not compare his new species. —See Smith & Downs 1974