Bromeliaceae Literature: Anatomy
Index: - A - B - C - D - E - G - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - V -
Titles are ordered by Subject
Aechmea (8)
- Aoyama, E.; Sajo, M. (2003) Leaf structure of Aechmea Ruiz & Pav. subgenus Lamprococcus (Beer) Baker and related species (Bromeliaceae). Rev. Bras. Bot 26 : 461-473.
- Ballego C., I. & Paiva, E. (2018) Mucilage secretion in the inflorescences of Aechmea blanchetiana: Evidence of new functions of scales in Bromeliaceae. Flora 246/247 : 1-9.
- Coffani-Nunes, J.V.& Botanico, M.P. (2015) Anatomy of the rhizomes of Aechmea, Nidularium and Vriesea (Bromeliaceae). In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Lafont Rapnouil, T.; Gallant Canguilhem, M.; Julien, F.; Céréghino, R.; Leroy, C. (2023) Light intensity mediates phenotypic plasticity and leaf trait regionalisation in a tank bromeliad. Annals of Botany 131: mcad126 (online).
- Palma-Silva, C.; dos Santos, D.G.; Kaltchuk-Santos, E.; Bodanese-Zanettini, M.H. (2004) Chromosome numbers, meiotic behavior, and pollen viability of species of Vriesea and Aechmea genera (Bromeliaceae) native to Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. American Journal of Botany 91(6): 804-807.
- Proença, S.; Sajo, M. (2004) Leaf anatomy of Aechmea Ruiz & Pav. (Bromeliaceae) of São Paulo State, Brazil. Acta Bot. Bras 18 : 319-331.
- Rosa, S.S.; Versieux, L.M.; Rossi, M.L. & Martinelli, A.P. (2020) Floral development and anatomy of two species of Aechmea (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 20: 1–18.
- Voltolini, C.; Santos, M. (2011) Leaf morphoanatomy variation in Aechmea lindenii (E. Morren) Baker var. lindenii (Bromeliaceae) under distinct environmental conditions. Acta Bot. Bras 25 : 2-10.
Alcantarea (1)
Ananas (3)
- Brito, A.; Blanco, H.; Escala, M.; Vargas, E.& Garcia, E. de (2016) Morfoanatomía foliar de dos ecotipos de Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. del Amazonas
. Acta Bot. Venez 39(2): 158-179.
- Duval, M.F. (2003) Relationships in Ananas and other related genera using chloroplast DNA restriction site variation. Genome 46: 990-1004..
- Lidueña P., K.I.; Martelo S., A.M.; Payares D., I.R.; Santos A., O.F.; Corredor P., J.P. (2022) Ananas ananassoides (Baker) L.B.Sm. a bromeliad from the savanna: seed morpho-anatomy and histochemistry. Braz. J. Biol 84: 2024 (online).
Billbergia (1)
Brocchinia (2)
Bromelia (34)
- Arrais, M. (1989) Aspectos anatômicos de espécies de Bromeliaceae da Serra do Cipó - Minas Gerais, com especial referência à vascularizaçâo floral. São Paulo Brazil, pp.
- Beard, D. (2012) Photosynthesis for Bromeliad Gardeners (A three part article). Far North Coast Bromeliad Study Group N.S.W. Australia, pp.
- Benzing, D.H. & Friedman, W.E. (1981) Patterns of foliar pigmentation and their adaptive significance (Bromeliaceae). In: Selbyana. Selbyana 5(3-4): 224-240.
- Benzing, D.H. (1976) Bromeliad trichomes: structure and function. Selbyana 1: 330-348.
- Böhme, S. (1988) Bromelienstudien. III. Vergleichende Untersuchungen zu Bau, Lage und systematischer Verwertbarkeit der Septalnektarien von Bromeliaceen. Tropische und Subtropische Pflanzenwelt 62: 152-274.
- Braga, M.M.N. (1977) Anatomia foliar de Bromeliaceae da Campina. Universidade do Amazonas. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimiento Científico e Tecnológico, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia. Manaus Brazil, 74 pp.
- Brown, G.K. & Gilmartin, A.J. (1984) Stigma structure and variation in Bromeliaceae. Brittonia 36(4): 364-374.
- Brown, G.K. & Gilmartin, A.J. (1986) Chromosomes of the Bromeliaceae. Selbyana 9: 88-91.
- Cach-Pérez, M.J.; Andrade, J.L.; Cetzal-Ix, W.; Reyes-García, C. (2016) Environmental influence on the inter- and intraspecific variation in the density and morphology of stomata and trichomes of epiphytic bromeliads of the Yucatan Peninsula. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(3): 441-458.
- Cedervall, E.V. (1884) Anatomisk-fysiologiska undersökningar öfver bladet hos Bromeliaceerna. Bihang til Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens handlingar no. 19.
- Cotias-de Oleivera, A.L.P. : Aquino de Assis, J.G. & Bellintani, M.C. & Andrade, J.C.S. & Silva Guedes, M.L. (2000) Chromosome numbers in Bromeliaceae. Genetics and Molecular Biology 23(1): 173-177.
- Ehler, N. (1977) Neue Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung, Struktur und Funktion der Bromelien-Trichome. Bromelienstudien II. Tropische und Subtr. Pflanzenwelt 20: 1-40.
- Gitai, J. (2006) Contribuição de Características Citogenéticas e Moleculares à Sitemática de Bromeliceae. , 115 pp.
- JAILSON GITAÍ, JURAJ PAULE, GEORG ZIZKA, KATHARINA SCHULTE and ANA MARIA BENKO-ISEPPON (2014) Chromosome numbers and DNA content in Bromeliaceae: additional data and critical review. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 176: 349–368..
- Kuhn, S.A.; Nogueira, F.M.; Chauveau, O. & Mariath, J.E.d.A. (2020) Diversity and evolutionary trends of the ovary and ovule in Bromeliaceae. Flora .
- Marcos, D.; França, W. & Costa, A. & Toni, K. de (2015) Stigma Development in Bromeliaceae. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Mariath, J.E. (2015) Embryological and anatomical features in Bromeliad Systematics. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Martelo S., A.M.; Lidueña P., K.I.; Corredor P., J.P. (2022) Seed’s morpho-anatomy and post-seminal development of Bromeliaceae from tropical dry forest. Rodriguésia 73: 1-16 (e02122020).
- Monteiro, R.F.; Forzza, R.C. & Mantovani, A. (2011) Leaf structure of Bromelia and its significance for the evolution of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae). Plant Syst Evol 293: 53–64.
- Morelli, M.; Costa, A.& Arruda, R. (2015) Leaves of Bromeliaceae from the Brazilian Chaco: morphological and anatomical features of six species. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Napp-Zinn, K.; Schmidt, R. & Genscher, H. (1978) Vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchungen an petaloiden Hochblättern. I. Bromeliaceen. Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden Germany, 87 pp.
- Oliveira, F.M.C.; Rodrigues, A.C.; Garibotti L., M,. & Albuquerque M., G.F. Androecium and gynoecium anatomy of Bromeliaceae species. Flora .
- Pierce, S. ; Maxwell, K. & Griffiths, H. & Winter, K. (2001) Hydrophobic trichome layers and epicuticular wax powders in Bromeliaceae. American journal of Botany 88(8): 1371-;1389.
- Proença, S.; Sajo, M. (2007) Leaf anatomy of bromeliads from the cerrado of São Paulo State, Brazil. Acta Bot. Bras 21 : 657-673.
- Proença, S.L. & Sajo, M.G. (2008) Anatomy of the floral scape of Bromeliaceae. Revista Brasileira de Botânica 31(3): .399-408.
- Proença, S.L.; Sajo, M.d.G. (2007) Anatomia foliar de bromélias ocorrentes em áreas de cerrado do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Acta bot. bras 21(3): 657-673.
- Richter, P. (1891) Die Bromeliaceen vergleichend anatomisch betrachtet : ein Beitrag zur Physiologie der Gewebe. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin. Druck von F. Driemel & Sohn : Commissions-Verlag von F. Winckler, Lübben Germany, 23 pp.
- Sajo, M. Graca; Prychid, C.J. & Rudal, P.J. (2004) Structure and development of the ovule in Bromeliaceae. Kew Bulletin 59: 251-262.
- Sajo, M.G.; Prychi, C.J. & Rudall, P.J. (2004) Structure and development of the ovule in Bromeliaceae. Kew Bulletin 59: 261-267.
- Schill R. ; Dannenbaum, C. & Jentzsch, E.-M. (1988) Untersuchungen an Bromeliennarben. Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen 63: 221-252..
- Smith, Andrew (2015) CAM photosynthesis as an adaptive feature in the ecophysiology and evolution of Bromeliaceae. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Solederer, H. & Meyer, F.J. (1929) Bromeliaceae. In: Systematische Anatomie der Monokotyledonen, part 4 Farinosae. Verlag Gebrüder Borntrager, Berlin Germany, pp. 80–129.
- Tomlinson, P.B. (1969) Bromeliaceae. In: Metcalfe, C.R. (ed) - Anatomy of the Monocotyledons. At the Clarendon Press, Oxford UK, pp. 193–294.
- Wendt, T. ; Coser , T.S. & Matallana, G. & Guilherme, F.A.G. (2008) An apparent lack of prezygotic reproductive isolation among 42 sympatric species of Bromeliaceae in southeastern Brazil. Plant Systematics and Evolution 275: 31–41.
Bromeliaceae (32)
- Arrais, M. (1989) Aspectos anatômicos de espécies de Bromeliaceae da Serra do Cipó - Minas Gerais, com especial referência à vascularizaçâo floral. São Paulo Brazil, pp.
- Beard, D. (2012) Photosynthesis for Bromeliad Gardeners (A three part article). Far North Coast Bromeliad Study Group N.S.W. Australia, pp.
- Benzing, D.H. & Friedman, W.E. (1981) Patterns of foliar pigmentation and their adaptive significance (Bromeliaceae). In: Selbyana. Selbyana 5(3-4): 224-240.
- Benzing, D.H. (1976) Bromeliad trichomes: structure and function. Selbyana 1: 330-348.
- Böhme, S. (1988) Bromelienstudien. III. Vergleichende Untersuchungen zu Bau, Lage und systematischer Verwertbarkeit der Septalnektarien von Bromeliaceen. Tropische und Subtropische Pflanzenwelt 62: 152-274.
- Braga, M.M.N. (1977) Anatomia foliar de Bromeliaceae da Campina. Universidade do Amazonas. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimiento Científico e Tecnológico, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia. Manaus Brazil, 74 pp.
- Brown, G.K. & Gilmartin, A.J. (1984) Stigma structure and variation in Bromeliaceae. Brittonia 36(4): 364-374.
- Brown, G.K. & Gilmartin, A.J. (1986) Chromosomes of the Bromeliaceae. Selbyana 9: 88-91.
- Cach-Pérez, M.J.; Andrade, J.L.; Cetzal-Ix, W.; Reyes-García, C. (2016) Environmental influence on the inter- and intraspecific variation in the density and morphology of stomata and trichomes of epiphytic bromeliads of the Yucatan Peninsula. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(3): 441-458.
- Cedervall, E.V. (1884) Anatomisk-fysiologiska undersökningar öfver bladet hos Bromeliaceerna. Bihang til Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens handlingar no. 19.
- Cotias-de Oleivera, A.L.P. : Aquino de Assis, J.G. & Bellintani, M.C. & Andrade, J.C.S. & Silva Guedes, M.L. (2000) Chromosome numbers in Bromeliaceae. Genetics and Molecular Biology 23(1): 173-177.
- Ehler, N. (1977) Neue Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung, Struktur und Funktion der Bromelien-Trichome. Bromelienstudien II. Tropische und Subtr. Pflanzenwelt 20: 1-40.
- Gitai, J. (2006) Contribuição de Características Citogenéticas e Moleculares à Sitemática de Bromeliceae. , 115 pp.
- JAILSON GITAÍ, JURAJ PAULE, GEORG ZIZKA, KATHARINA SCHULTE and ANA MARIA BENKO-ISEPPON (2014) Chromosome numbers and DNA content in Bromeliaceae: additional data and critical review. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 176: 349–368..
- Kuhn, S.A.; Nogueira, F.M.; Chauveau, O. & Mariath, J.E.d.A. (2020) Diversity and evolutionary trends of the ovary and ovule in Bromeliaceae. Flora .
- Marcos, D.; França, W. & Costa, A. & Toni, K. de (2015) Stigma Development in Bromeliaceae. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Mariath, J.E. (2015) Embryological and anatomical features in Bromeliad Systematics. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Morelli, M.; Costa, A.& Arruda, R. (2015) Leaves of Bromeliaceae from the Brazilian Chaco: morphological and anatomical features of six species. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Napp-Zinn, K.; Schmidt, R. & Genscher, H. (1978) Vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchungen an petaloiden Hochblättern. I. Bromeliaceen. Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden Germany, 87 pp.
- Oliveira, F.M.C.; Rodrigues, A.C.; Garibotti L., M,. & Albuquerque M., G.F. Androecium and gynoecium anatomy of Bromeliaceae species. Flora .
- Pierce, S. ; Maxwell, K. & Griffiths, H. & Winter, K. (2001) Hydrophobic trichome layers and epicuticular wax powders in Bromeliaceae. American journal of Botany 88(8): 1371-;1389.
- Proença, S.; Sajo, M. (2007) Leaf anatomy of bromeliads from the cerrado of São Paulo State, Brazil. Acta Bot. Bras 21 : 657-673.
- Proença, S.L. & Sajo, M.G. (2008) Anatomy of the floral scape of Bromeliaceae. Revista Brasileira de Botânica 31(3): .399-408.
- Proença, S.L.; Sajo, M.d.G. (2007) Anatomia foliar de bromélias ocorrentes em áreas de cerrado do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Acta bot. bras 21(3): 657-673.
- Richter, P. (1891) Die Bromeliaceen vergleichend anatomisch betrachtet : ein Beitrag zur Physiologie der Gewebe. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin. Druck von F. Driemel & Sohn : Commissions-Verlag von F. Winckler, Lübben Germany, 23 pp.
- Sajo, M. Graca; Prychid, C.J. & Rudal, P.J. (2004) Structure and development of the ovule in Bromeliaceae. Kew Bulletin 59: 251-262.
- Sajo, M.G.; Prychi, C.J. & Rudall, P.J. (2004) Structure and development of the ovule in Bromeliaceae. Kew Bulletin 59: 261-267.
- Schill R. ; Dannenbaum, C. & Jentzsch, E.-M. (1988) Untersuchungen an Bromeliennarben. Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen 63: 221-252..
- Smith, Andrew (2015) CAM photosynthesis as an adaptive feature in the ecophysiology and evolution of Bromeliaceae. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Solederer, H. & Meyer, F.J. (1929) Bromeliaceae. In: Systematische Anatomie der Monokotyledonen, part 4 Farinosae. Verlag Gebrüder Borntrager, Berlin Germany, pp. 80–129.
- Tomlinson, P.B. (1969) Bromeliaceae. In: Metcalfe, C.R. (ed) - Anatomy of the Monocotyledons. At the Clarendon Press, Oxford UK, pp. 193–294.
- Wendt, T. ; Coser , T.S. & Matallana, G. & Guilherme, F.A.G. (2008) An apparent lack of prezygotic reproductive isolation among 42 sympatric species of Bromeliaceae in southeastern Brazil. Plant Systematics and Evolution 275: 31–41.
Bromelioidae (1)
Bromelioideae (2)
Cam (2)
- Costa, A.L.T.; Oliveira, D.C.d.; Ferreira, B.G.; Moreira, A.S.F.P. (2024) Tissue investments related to water absorption and retention in Bromeliaceae: exploring variations in CAM metabolism expressing between dry and rainy seasons. Rodriguésia 75: e01722023.
- Smith, Andrew (2015) CAM photosynthesis as an adaptive feature in the ecophysiology and evolution of Bromeliaceae. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
Chromosomes (5)
- Brown, G.K. & Gilmartin, A.J. (1986) Chromosomes of the Bromeliaceae. Selbyana 9: 88-91.
- Cotias-de Oleivera, A.L.P. : Aquino de Assis, J.G. & Bellintani, M.C. & Andrade, J.C.S. & Silva Guedes, M.L. (2000) Chromosome numbers in Bromeliaceae. Genetics and Molecular Biology 23(1): 173-177.
- JAILSON GITAÍ, JURAJ PAULE, GEORG ZIZKA, KATHARINA SCHULTE and ANA MARIA BENKO-ISEPPON (2014) Chromosome numbers and DNA content in Bromeliaceae: additional data and critical review. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 176: 349–368..
- Louzada, R.B. ; Palma-Silva, C. & Macêdo Corrêa, A.A & Kaltchuk-Santos, E. & Graças Lapa Wanderley, M. das (2010) Chromosome number of Orthophytum species (Bromeliaceae). Kew Bulletin 65: 1 – 6.
- Ramírez M., I.M. & Brown, G.K. (2001) The Origin of the Low Chromosome Number in Cryptanthus (Bromeliaceae). Systematic Botany 26(4): pp. 722–726.
Connelia (1)
- Robinson, H. (1969) A monograph on foliar anatomy of the genera Connellia, Cottendorfia and Navia. Smithsonian contributions to botany no. 2.
Cottendorfia (1)
- Robinson, H. (1969) A monograph on foliar anatomy of the genera Connellia, Cottendorfia and Navia. Smithsonian contributions to botany no. 2.
Cryptanthus (1)
Deuterocohnia (1)
- Schütz, Nicole, Weising, Kurt & Zizka, Georg (2015) Chloroplast haplotypes indicate ancient and recent hybridization in the genus Deuterocohnia (Bromeliaceae). In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
Dyckia (6)
- Guarçoni, E.; Azevedo, A.& Costa, A. (2015) Leaf anatomy of species of the Dyckia (Bromeliaceae): D. saxatilis complex. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Lobo, G.; Souza, T.; Voltolini, C.; Reis, A.; Santos, M. (2013) Leaf epidermis of the rheophyte Dyckia brevifolia Baker (Bromeliaceae). Sci. World J 2013 Article 307593.
- Pita, P.B. (1997) Estudos anatômicos dos órgãos vegetativos de Dyckia Schult. f. e Encholirium Mart. ex Schult. f. (Bromeliaceae) da Cerra do Cipó - MG. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, pp.
- Silva, R.M.d.; Oliveira, J.M.S.d. (2024) Occurrence of parietal and invasive tapetum in Dyckia strehliana (Bromeliaceae): first report for the Family. Rodriguesia 75: e00832023.
- Tavares de Carvalho, J.D.; Santos de Oliveira, J.M.; Carvalho de Freitas, C. & Saldanha Martins, M. (2016) Stamen morphoanatomy of Dyckia Schult.f. (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) species: new data for taxonomic use. Acta Botanica Brasilica 1-12.
- Voltolini, C.; Reis, A.; Santos, M. (2009) Leaf morphoanatomy of the rheophyte Dyckia distachya Hassler (Bromeliaceae). Rev. Bras. Biocincias 7 : 335-343.
Embryo (1)
Encholirium (1)
- Pita, P.B. (1997) Estudos anatômicos dos órgãos vegetativos de Dyckia Schult. f. e Encholirium Mart. ex Schult. f. (Bromeliaceae) da Cerra do Cipó - MG. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, pp.
Greigia (1)
Guzmania (2)
- Chaves, Bruno Edson; Dias, Francisco Yago Elias de Castro; Moura, Ricardo Loyola & Melo-de-Pinna, Gladys Flávia de Albuquerque (2015) Leaf anatomy of Guzmania Ruiz & Pav. (Bromeliaceae) occurring in Ceará, Brazil. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Versieux, L.M. & Medeiros, A.S.M. (2018) Leaf anatomical characterization of Guzmania Ruiz & Pav. and Mezobromelia L.B.Sm. (Tillandsioideae, Bromeliaceae). Journal of the Bromeliad Society 67(1): 8-26.
Lamprococcus (1)
- Aoyama, E.M. & Sajo das Gracas, M. (2002) Estrutura foliar de Aechmea subgênero Lamprococcus e espécies relacionadas (Bromeliaceae). Univ. Est. Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Rio Claro, Brazil, pp. 461–473.
Leaf (27)
- Aoyama, E.; Sajo, M. (2003) Leaf structure of Aechmea Ruiz & Pav. subgenus Lamprococcus (Beer) Baker and related species (Bromeliaceae). Rev. Bras. Bot 26 : 461-473.
- Aoyama, E.M. & Sajo das Gracas, M. (2002) Estrutura foliar de Aechmea subgênero Lamprococcus e espécies relacionadas (Bromeliaceae). Univ. Est. Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Rio Claro, Brazil, pp. 461–473.
- Benzing, D.H.; Seemann, J.; Renfrow, A. (1978) The Foliar Epidermis in Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae) and its role in Habitat Selection. American Journal of Botany 65(3): 359-365.
- Braga, M.M.N. (1977) Anatomia foliar de Bromeliaceae da Campina. Universidade do Amazonas. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimiento Científico e Tecnológico, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia. Manaus Brazil, 74 pp.
- Brito, A.; Blanco, H.; Escala, M.; Vargas, E.& Garcia, E. de (2016) Morfoanatomía foliar de dos ecotipos de Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. del Amazonas
. Acta Bot. Venez 39(2): 158-179.
- Chaves, Bruno Edson; Dias, Francisco Yago Elias de Castro; Moura, Ricardo Loyola & Melo-de-Pinna, Gladys Flávia de Albuquerque (2015) Leaf anatomy of Guzmania Ruiz & Pav. (Bromeliaceae) occurring in Ceará, Brazil. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Faria, C.G.; Silva, A.S.; Melo, R.K.P.D.; Medeiros, A.M.L.; Donato, A.M.; Costa, A.F.D. & Haiad, B.D.S. (2021) Leaf anatomy of Vriesea (Tillandsioideae–Bromeliaceae). Brittonia 73(2): 27-52.
- Guarçoni, E.; Azevedo, A.& Costa, A. (2015) Leaf anatomy of species of the Dyckia (Bromeliaceae): D. saxatilis complex. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Lobo, G.; Souza, T.; Voltolini, C.; Reis, A.; Santos, M. (2013) Leaf epidermis of the rheophyte Dyckia brevifolia Baker (Bromeliaceae). Sci. World J 2013 Article 307593.
- Machado, T.M.; Vale, F. & Versieux, L.& Stehmann, J.R. (2015) Trying to understand Vriesea taxonomy with leaf anatomy. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. , pp.
- Mantovani, A.; Lima da Venda, A.K.; Almeida, V.R.;Costa, F. A. da & Forzza C. R. (2012) Leaf anatomy of Quesnelia (Bromeliaceae): implications for the systematics of core bromelioids. Plant Systematics and Evolution 298: 787-800.
- Monteiro, R.F.; Forzza, R.C. & Mantovani, A. (2011) Leaf structure of Bromelia and its significance for the evolution of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae). Plant Syst Evol 293: 53–64.
- Morelli, M.; Costa, A.& Arruda, R. (2015) Leaves of Bromeliaceae from the Brazilian Chaco: morphological and anatomical features of six species. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Oliveira, R.S.d.; Souza, S.d.O.; Aona, L.Y.S.; Souza, F.V.D.; Rossi, M.L. & Souza, E.H.d. (2021) Leaf structure of Tillandsia species (Tillandsioideae: Bromeliaceae) by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Microscopy, Reasearch & Tenchique (Wiley) 84(3): 1-17 (online).
- Proença, S.; Sajo, M. (2004) Leaf anatomy of Aechmea Ruiz & Pav. (Bromeliaceae) of São Paulo State, Brazil. Acta Bot. Bras 18 : 319-331.
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Mezobromelia (1)
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Pollen (2)
Quesnelia (1)
Rhizomes (1)
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Vegetative organs (1)
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Vriesea (6)
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Total: 102