
Fosterella penduliflora (C.H.Wright) L.B.Sm. (1960)


Fosterella chiquitana Ibisch, R.Vasquez & E.Gross Google
Status: Synonym

Publ: Revista Soc. Boliv. Bot. 2(2): 118-122. (1999)

Type: BOLIVIA: Departamento SANTA CRUZ: Province Nuflo de Chavez, about 10 km from Concepcion on the road to San Javier, on granitic outcrops (zonal vegetation semideciduoussemihumid Chiquitano forest), 16°10'S, 62°05' W, 500 m, 16.5.1997, P. lbisch 98.125, flowering in the garden of P. Ibisch, Santa Cruz, from 21.8.1998 onwards (Holotype: LPB; isotypes: USZ, FR).

Description: click here.

Taxonomic Change: