
Steyerbromelia plowmanii (L.B.Sm., Steyermark & H.Rob.) H.Rob. & D.Taylor  (Bin-3: Author (L.B.Sm.,Steyerm.& H.Rob.) B.Holst) (2001)


Navia diffusa L.B.Sm. Google
Status: Synonym

Publ: Mem. New York BG in Maguire, B. & Wurdack, J.J. - The Botany of the Guayana Highland - Part IV 10(2): 19-21 (1960)

Type: Maguire, Wurdack & Maguire 42537-E (holotype, US; isotype, NY), frequent on edge of north escarpment, Cerro de la Neblina, Rio Yatua, 1900 m alt, Amazonas, Venezuela, 23 Dec 1957.

Description: click here.

Taxonomic Notes: