Hechtia michoacana Burt-Utley, Utley, and García-Mendoza
Taxonomic Change:
- Figure 2. Hechtia michoacana. A. Leaf. B. Part of lateral branch of pistillate inflorescence. C. Staminate flower just opening, side view. D. Staminate flower, face view. E. Pistillate flower postanthesis. F. Capsule. (A, B, D, E and F from Utley & Utley 8456; C and D from Utley & Utley 8386).
-Distribution and Habitat. Hechtia michoacana is found between 300–1400 ft elevation, growing on karstic rocks or rocky hillsides in full sunlight with thorn-scrub vegetation or adjacent to tropical deciduous forests with Bursera, Plumeria, and Cnidoscolus. —See Burt-Utley et al. 2011