Tillandsia elusiva Pinzón, I.Ramírez & Carnevali
Literature references:
- -Habitat, distribution and phenology: Interior slope of the Northmountain range of Chiapas at its western end, in the surroundings of Ocozocoautla (Fig. 6). Deciduous and subdeciduous forest, at 850–1075 m. The holotype specimen was collected at 1073 m, growing on planted trees of Cedrella odorata and Tabebuia rosea. Specimens in bloom have been collected in June; immature fruits were detected in August.
IUCN Conservation assessment. CR (Critically endangered). Tillandsia elusiva meets criteria B1a,b of the IUCN (2001). It is known from two localities and its extent of occurrence is of less than 100 km2 (60–70 km2). The habitat of the species is currently highly fragmented by anthropogenic activities (cattle ranching and urban developments). At least one collection has been made within the Can˜on del Sumidero National Park, where, however, the species seems to be very rare. If the specimens from Oaxaca and San Luis Potosi that resemble T. elusiva result to be this species, its conservation status should be re-assessed. —See Pinzon et al. 2011