Pitcairnia barbatostigma Leme & A.P.Fontana
Literature references:
- Distribution, Habitat, and Phenology - Pitcairnia barbatostigma is an endemic species of the northwestern region of Espirito Santo state, occurring in the Doce River basin in the counties of Pancas and Aguia Branca. It was found growing as a rupicolous plant on sun-exposed granitic surfaces or in sites slightly shaded by semideciduous forest in inselbergs located in the Atlantic Forest domain, from 300-500 m elevation (Fig. 1A-B). It forms small to large dense "islands" of plants sometimes associated with other Bromeliaceae, Alcantaria simplicisticha Leme & A. P. Fontana (at Pedra da Bandeira) or Orthophytum zanonii Leme (at Laginha), as well
as Coleocephalocereus fluminensis Backeb. (Cactaceae), Trilepis lhotzkiana Nees ex Arn. (Cyperaceae) and Vellozia plicata Mart. (Velloziaceae).It flowers in April and May.
Conservation Status - According to the criteria adopted by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN 2001), P. barbartostigma can be considered endangered (EN), due to the estimated area of occupancy at less than 500 kmē, its severely fragmented habitat, the occurrence in less than five different localities, and the continuing decline of its habitat. —See Syst. Bot.