Cryptanthus micrus Louzada, Wand. & Versieux
Literature references:
- Conservation: In Minas Gerais the genus Cryptanthus is threatened due to its species’ narrow ranges and endemism (Versieux & Wendt 2007). Cryptanthus micrus is a rare species that has only two known populations in the PERP, all with small numbers of individuals. Based on the IUCN criteria (IUCN 2001) C. micrus has the conservation status of Critically Endangered CR B1ab(ii,iii) due its restricted occurrence, the small population sizes and decline in the quality of the habitat, taking into consideration that one population is located right along the border of the park. We suggest that studies in the biology of this species should be carried out in order to understand its reproductive strategies to assure its conservation. The lithophytic life form enables the species to escape from fires, which are quite frequent in these grassland habitats. To avoid other risks, particularly those of with commercial collectors and bromeliad hunters, we suggest that these populations should be well monitored by the PERP authorities. —See Versieux et al. 2010b