Pitcairnia pungens forma alba Manzanares & Till
Literature references:
- OBSERVATIONS. After the death of Padre Sodiro in 1909, Padre Mille was put in charge of caring for the collection made by Padre Sodiro. Padre Mille increased the herbariums presumably between 1909 and 1910 (the dates are not exact). In the herbarium at QPLS are also found collections made by Padre Mille in 1901.
One of the collections made by Padre Mille is from Mount Pichincha; it is the alba form of P. pungens with white sepals, petals, and stamens. Inflorescences with red flowers have been found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, a yellow form (P. pungens var. flava) at Macchu Picchu, Peru, and the white form in Ecuador. —See Manzanares 2005