Tillandsia dorisdaltoniae P.L.Ibisch, R.Vasquez & W.Till
Literature references:
- Ecology and conservation: The new species was recorded as an epiphyte within mixed forest with Schinopsis brasiliensis, together with Cariniana estrellensis, Anadenanthera colubrina, Astronium urundeuva and Phyllostyllon rhamnoides, as typical for lower inter-Andean dry forests of the northeastern slopes of the Andes north of the Andean knee, 800-1300m(BACH et al. 1999, CARRETERO et al. 2003, NAVARRO 1997, NAVARRO 2002, NAVARRO & FERREIRA 2002). Clearly the species is poorly known but it can be supposed that it has no conservation problems as practically all Bolivian dry valley bromeliads, except from commercial collecting. Additionally, it can be pointed out that the dry forests of the lower Cotacajes valley are characterized by a good conservation status (IBISCH et al. 2003)
The species has been found in the dry valley of the Cotacajes river at the border of the La Paz and Cochabamba departments. This dry valley is rather isolated from other valleys with deciduous forests and surrounded by evergreen forests. Thus, it is probable that the species is endemic to this valley where other endemics are found (eg. Fosterella cotacajensis KESSLER et al. 1999; Puya tunarensis VASQUEZ & IBISCH 2002; there are endemics of other families as well, eg. Cactaceae, NAVARRO 2002) —See Ibisch 1998