Distribution & habitat
Nidularium organense is known only from the type collection. It was found growing as an epiphyte in the understory of the Atlantic forest at ca. 900m altitude. We do not have much information on this species, which may be due to a lack of collecting or because of the residual, fragmentary nature of the populations brought about by habitat destruction or modification. On the other hand, it may also show that the species lives in hard-to-reach areas that have not been fully explored, especially on the steep upper slopes often covered by clouds.
It is important to note that although the Meudon region in Teresopolis is part of a government-run Environmental Protection Area, slums are presently invading and spreading out over the entire area with serious consequences for the local biota.
This new species flowers in December and only one descendent of the type specimen exists in cultivation. —SeeLeme 2000a