Aechmea nudicaulis (L.) Griseb.
Taxonomic Change:
- Lectotype designated: Plate 171 of the Boerhaave set of Plun1ier illustrations at the library of Rijksuniversiteit, Groningen —See Cedeno-Maldonado 2005 p. 202
Literature references:
*move your mouse pointer over the page numbers to see comment
- Aechmea nudicaulis key and notes
Key to Aechmea nudicaulis by Butcher compiled from descriptions as at May 2008, but does not link exactly to plant material in collections. This is confirmed by Harry Luther’s comments – and Tanya Wendt’s comments in the Bot Journ of the Linnaean Soc 125: 245-271. 1997.
1.PRIMARY BRACTS – almost white var. nordestina
1a. – red 2
2. PLANT - more than 20 spreading ligulate leaves with red tip var. plurifolia
2a - about 20 erect leaves without red tip 3
3. LEAVES - linear triangular narrowing to a pungent tip var. simulans
Plant similar to A. purpureo-rosea
3a - ligulate forming a loose cylinder 4
4. INFLORESCENCE - dense, leaves banded,floral bracts minute, tips acuminate.
Sepals yellow with pink tip, petals yellow var. capitata
4a - lax 5
5. LEAVES - variegated 6
5a - concolorous 7
6.LEAVES - variegated cuspidata forma tabuleirensis
6a - yellow marginated var. flavo-marginata
7. FLORAL BRACTS - kidney shaped and minute petals yellow
var. nudicaulis
7a - triangular or elliptic, relatively conspicuous 8
8. PETALS - wholely yellow 9
8a - red with yellow tip, sepals and ovary red var. aureo-rosea
9. SCAPE BRACTS - smallish, evenly spread on scape var. aequalis
9a - clustered beneath inflorescence petals and sepals yellow var. cuspidata p. Butcher\'s key