Recorded by the type collection only, but spread in cultivation by Ralph Davis, cf. Bromel. Soc. Bull. 10: 45. 1960.see below
Excerpts from Letter to Miss Padilla
By Mr. Ralph W. Davis
Probably when you receive this and are comfortably settled in your favorite chair I will either be on my way or be in Colombia again, The main object on this trip will be Aechmea zebrina and you can just bet your bottom dollar that I will bring it back alive even though it will cause Mulford to have a coronary I am sure.
Frankly, I think this trip that I am going on now will really be a dilly, The safari has been months in planning, I trust everything is all set. As a point of interest to you, to get into Zebrina country and out requires 12 days (hope I get out). Will make notes and take pictures, of course, and will try to get the write-up of this trip to you probably by early summer since I am sure that Aerhmea zebrina being brought back alive should create a lot of interest. Just remember one thing, as you read this letter. In case you see a news print the Jivaro (?) Indians have captured another fat juicy old man you will know that I won't be back since contrary to Foster's location of Zebrinas, my scouts have located it and it still may be in Ecuador.
15500N. E. 9th Ave., N. Miami Beach 62, Florida —SeeSmith & Downs 1979