At the moment only known by the clonotype. Lyman B. Smith & R. J. Downs (1979) as they didn't see the holotype, only copy of the herbarium specimen, suspected it was a variety of Aechmea organensis Wawra. However the clone that supplied the type var eipperi Reitz, has been cultivated by several bromeliad growers, and by me, in Itapema, SC. It varies a lot from Ae. organensis especially in its robustness the color of the rachis, in the scape and floral bracts, as well as the ovary, that are red - orange, and everything else in A. organensis and of color red-wine. The copies of A. organensis that I collected in São João, Morretes, in Paraná (R. Reitz nrs. 5729 and 5753) were healthy and much smaller than the var. eipperi Reitz, dominating in the color red-purple or red-wine in the inflorescence, except the petals that naturally are blue. —SeeSmith & Downs 1979