Nidularium angustifolium is endemic to Rio de Janeiro state. Its northern geographic limit is the city of Rio de Janeiro as registered by the historical collections of E. Ule and
A. Glaziou. Serra da Bica is located in the suburb of Cascadura that lies in the heart of Rio de Janeiro. There are no vegetation fragments here that might be home to this species. Today, N. angustifolium populations are more common in southern Rio de Janeiro, where this plant lives on the forest floor or as an epiphyte in the lower layer of the Atlantic slope forest, at altitudes of 50 to 500 m. A single collection (Seidel 756) of this species was recorded in Parana, very probably an involuntary oversight by the collector as the result of an inaccurate collection-data control system.
This species apparently flowers at two different times of the year, one from January to March and the other from July to September. The species does not occur in any public conservation unit. About four different clones of N. angustifolium are available in cultivation. —SeeLeme 2000a