Cryptanthus diversifolius Beer
Taxonomic Change:
- Treated as a synonym of Cryptanthus bromelioides: Cryptanthus diversifolius Beer, an obscure species described from European horticulture, is separated from C. bromelioides by dimorphic foliage according to all published accounts. As this difference does not exist, there seems no grounds for continuing to recognize C. diversifolius as a separate species as it is quite similar to C. bromelioides in all other features.
(Harry Luther in CSJ 6(4): 13. 1991)
- Provided (description) is not enough to understand this concept, the name should be excluded. A name used to identify a population of a taxon probably in the complex of section Cryptanthus, probably related to C. acaulis. Since the information provided (description) is not enough to understand this concept, the name should be excluded.
—See Ramirez 1996 p. 232-233
Literature references:
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