As an epiphyte, N. gavionensis grows in the forests covering the lowlands of the periodically flooded places called Gavioes in the basin of the Sao Joao River. That stream - the largest in that part of the state plays an important part in the life of the local fauna and flora. After the flooding period, the sedimentary deposit found in the lower parts allows a condition for the proliferation of micro-organisms, which in turn have a decisive influence in sustaining the local biota. These lowlands, rich in epiphytic plants, especially bromeliads, have a key function in maintaining the equilibrium of the riverside vegetation.
The local scenery , unfortunately, has been undergoing a drastic change during the last few years. Because of their high fertility, the forested lowlands are priority for expansion projects. The destruction of the natural vegetation is the first step and so countless irreplaceable forms of life have to be sacrificed. —SeeMartinelli & Leme 1986p. 36(2): 71-72