Dyckia trichostachya Baker
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- Dyckia trichostachya occurs in Campos Rupestris in Cadeia do Espinhaco, in Minas Gerais. In PESRM, D. trichostachya is found in the Serra da Calcada close to Retiro das Pedras as a terrestrial, in small sandy areas between outcrops of Campos Rupestris Quartziticos. Composed of a few individuals, sparsely distributed. Can be easily confused with D. bracteata (Wittm.) Mez or Dyckia minarum Mez, that do not occur in the Park, differing from these by having free filaments above the petal-stamen ring (vs. connate) and linear anthers (vs. oblong and triangular, respectively). Can also be differentiated from D. bracteata by scape and floral bracts being wide ovate (vs. lanceo-ovate) and spines laxly distributed on parts of the leaves (vs. subdensely), and D. minarum by having an inflorescence with ferrugineous indument (vs. white). The species is quoted in the revision of the lists of endangered species of Flora and Fauna in the State of Minas Gerais as Data Deficient (DD).