<- Versieux & Leme 2007 (Article) Orthophytum

A new Lithophytic Orthophytum (Bromeliaceae) from the Espinhaco Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Author(s):L.M. Versieux & E.M.C. Leme

Publication:Novon 17: 130-134. (2007)

Abstract:— Orthophytum itambense Versieux & Leme is described and illustrated as a new species, with an endemic distribution restricted to Pico do Itambe State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil. This new lithophytic taxon is closely related to O. supthutii E. Gross & Barthlott due to the shape and texture of leaves, floral bracts with recurved apex, sessile inflorescence, and by the long tubular corolla. The new species differs from its closest relatives by having leaves whitelepidote abaxially and adaxially, with trichomes forming white transverse cross-bands adaxially, nearly free sepals, white corolla, and shorter petal appendages (only to 4 mm vs. to 7 mm in O. supthutii).

Keywords:—Bromeliaceae, Espinhac¸o range, IUCN Red List, Minas Gerais, Orthophytum.

Published names (1):
Orthophytum itambense*
* synonyms or not accepted names are marked