Gouda 2024j (Article) Pitcairnia, Venezuela
Pitcairnia asmussii (Bromeliaceae), a new species form Venezuela, close to P. xanthocalyx Mart
Author(s):—E.J. Gouda
Publication:—Phytotaxa 671(2): 139–143. (2024) — DOI
Abstract:—A new species of Pitcairnia similar to P. xanthocalyx Mart. is described, compared with this species and illustrated. The flowers of this new species has shorter pedicel, but larger sepals and petals, and it has dimorphic, non-petiolate leaves. The species was discovered by Matthias Asmuss from Caracas, Venezuela and cultivated at the Utrecht Botanical Gardens.
Keywords:—Taxonomy, Pitcairnioideae, New taxon
Published names (1):Pitcairnia asmussii