Gouda 2024h (Article) Aechmea, Colombia
Some Historical and Cultural Notes on the Not Well Known but Spectacular Aechmea latifolia
Author(s):—E.J. Gouda
Publication:—Journal of the Bromeliad Society 74(1): 17-22. (2024)
Abstract:—Aechmea latifolia (Willd. ex Schult.f.) Klotzsch ex Baker (1889) is a spectacular plant with an exceptional coloration for the group it belongs to. It is one of the species with a cylindric or conic compound inflorescence, with clustered primary branches on each node of the main axis. Most of the species of this group have blueish flowers (sepals and petals) like Aechmea paniculigera (Sw.) Griseb. (1864) and Aechmea fendleri André ex Mez (1896), but not this species, which has a bright orange-yellow inflorescence (including sepals) and white petals (gray sensu André).