<- Hernandez et al. 2024 (Article) Hechtia

Hechtia marabascoensis (Hechtioideae; Bromeliaceae), a novelty from Colima and Jalisco, Mexico

Author(s):R.A. Hernández C., A. Flores A., A. Espejo S., A.R. López F. & A. Siekkinen

Publication:Phytotaxa 659(1): 87–96. (2024) — DOI

Abstract:—Recent botanical explorations carried out in the states of Colima and Jalisco, Mexico, led to the discovery of a novelty of Bromeliaceae: Hechtia marabascoensis which is described and illustrated. The proposed taxon is compared to H. chamelensis, H. pacifica, and H. reticulata, species with the most similarities. A morphological description, images, and a distribution map of the new species are included, as well as an identification key and a list of examined specimens of all Hechtia species known to date from the states of Colima and Jalisco.


Published names (1):
Hechtia marabascoensis