<- Costa et al. 2024 (Article) Orthophytum, Brazil, Rocky Outcrops

Distribution pattern in the rupiculous genus Orthophytum (Bromelioideae/Bromeliaceae) reveals high microendemicity in different types of rocky outcrops

Author(s):S.L. Costa, R.B. Louzada, S.C. Nepomuceno, J.V. Alves & M.T. Buril

Publication:Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 96: 1-26 (online). (2024) — DOI

Abstract:—This study aimed to recognize the biogeographic patterns, richness, and diversity levels of the Brazilian endemic genus Orthophytum and identify their biotic components through a parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE), to better understand the evolutionary history of this group and develop strategies for the conservation of its species. We prepared a database for the 54 currently known species of Orthophytum, including their geographical locations as obtained from digital databases of the principal herbaria of Brazil, Europe, and the USA. A parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) was used to delimit the areas of endemism based on two grids’ sizes (1º x 1º and 2º × 2º). The majority rule consensus tree resulting from the PAE indicated three areas of endemism with high bootstrap, diversity, and richness indices: the northern portion of the Espinhaço Range, the southern portion of the Espinhaço Range, and the central portion of the Atlantic Forest. The recognition of those distribution patterns reveals a high number of microendemic species, which is discussed here.

Keywords:—Bromelioideae; Areas of Endemism; Rocky outcrops; Microendemism; PAE; Poales