<- NUNez & Cascante 2024 (Article) Werauhia, Costa Rica

Selfing in epiphytic bromeliads compensates for the limited pollination services provided by nectarivorous bats in a neotropical montane forest

Author(s):S. Núñez Hidalgo & A. Cascante

Corresponding email:alfredo.cascante@ucr.ac.cr

Publication:AoB PLANTS Online: 1-13. (2024) — DOI

Abstract:—Plants with specialized pollination systems frequently exhibit adaptations for self-pollination, and this contradictory situation has been explained in terms of the reproductive assurance function of selfing. In the Neotropics, several plant lineages rely on specialized vertebrate pollinators for sexual reproduction, including the highly diverse Bromeliaceae family, which also displays a propensity for selfing. Thus far, the scarce evidence on the role of selfing in bromeliads and in other neotropical plant groups is inconclusive. To provide insights into the evolution and persistence of self-fertilization in the breeding systems of Bromeliaceae, we studied four sympatric epiphytic species from the genus Werauhia (Tillandsioideae) in Costa Rica. We documented their floral biology, pollination ecology, and breeding systems. We estimated the contribution of selfing by comparing the reproductive success between emasculated flowers requiring pollinator visits and unmanipulated flowers capable of selfing and exposed to open pollination across two flowering seasons. The studied species displayed specialized pollination by nectar-feeding bats as well as a high selfing ability (autofertility index values > 0.53), which was attained by a delayed selfing mechanism. Fruit set from natural cross-pollination was low (

Keywords:—Breeding systems; Bromeliaceae; chiropterophily; Costa Rica; pollinator limitation; reproductive assurance