Romero et al. 2024 (Article) Bakerantha
A Taxonomic Revision of the Mexican Genus Bakerantha (Hechtioideae, Bromeliaceae)
Author(s):—K.J. Romero S., I.M. Ramírez M., C.T. Hornung L. & M. González L.
Publication:—Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 109: 1–23. (2024) — DOI
Abstract:—A taxonomic revision of the Mexican genus Bakerantha L. B. Sm. is here presented. Each species entry includes full nomenclature, a morphological description, distributional and phenological data, a discussion of affinities, illustrations, and a conservation assessment according to IUCN criteria. An artificial key is also included to identify live as well as herbarium specimens of all taxa.