<- Almeida et al. 2022 (Article) Cryptanthus

Cryptanthus euglossinii (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae), a new species from Chapada Diamantina, Bahia

Author(s):E.D.S. Almeida, J.A.S. Filho & E.M.C. Leme

Corresponding email:dinoerick25@gmail.com

Publication:Rodriguesia 73: 1-7 (online e02092020). (2022) — DOI

Abstract:—A new species of Cryptanthus, known exclusively from Chapada Diamantina, in the municipalities of Miguel Calmon and Jacobina, state of Bahia, Northeast Brazil, is described and illustrated. Cryptanthus euglossinii is characterized by having leaves that are reddish in the marginal region, white-scaly near the base and glabrous adaxially towards the apex, with the abaxial surface covered by trichomes that obscure the color of the leaf. Comparisons are made with two similar species, C. reisii and C. bibarrensis, that are considered closely related. Euglossinii bees were observed visiting the flowers of C. euglossinii and collecting floral essences on petals, a relationship that is the basis of the epithet of the new species. Cryptanthus euglossinii is considered Endangered (EN) based on an extent of occurrence of 860 km2, an area of occupancy of 1,000 km2, and criteria established by the IUCN.

Keywords:—Cryptanthoid complex; morphology; Seasonal Semideciduous Forest; taxonomy

Published names (1):
Cryptanthus euglossinii