<- Cavalcante et al. 2022 (Article) Hohenbergia, Brazil

Hohenbergia ymboreorum (Bromeliaceae): a new green-flowered bromeliad from Bahia, Brazil

Author(s):B.P. Cavalcante, L.Y.S. Aona & E.H.D. Souza

Corresponding email:hilosouza@gmail.com

Publication:Phytotaxa 567(3): 278–286. (2022) — DOI

Abstract:—The authors describe Hohenbergia ymboreorum, a new green-flowered species of Bromeliaceae from Bahia state. The new species was found growing in the municipality of Vitoria da Conquista as a terrestrial in a highland transitional area between Atlantic Forest and Caatinga vegetation. This new species is morphologically related to H. minor and H. augusta, but can be easily distinguished by its sparsely white-lanate inflorescence indument, longer and narrower leaves, smaller flowers, with golden-brown floral bracts not hiding the sepals, and the erect petals. Additionally, the conservation status and phenology are discussed, and a table for morphological comparison with the similar taxa is provided.

Keywords:—Bromelioideae, Hohenbergia augusta, Poales, Vitória da Conquista, Monocots

Published names (1):
Hohenbergia ymboreorum