<- Flores et al. 2022 (Article) Pitcairnia

Pitcairnia abscondita (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae), a hidden novelty from north-western Jalisco, Mexico

Author(s):A. Flores A., A.R. López F., E. González R. & A. Espejo S.

Corresponding email:afa2502@gmail.com

Publication:PhytoKeys 189: 129-139. (2022) — DOI

Abstract:—Pitcairnia abscondita sp. nov., known until now only from the Municipalities of Cabo Corrientes, Mascota, Puerto Vallarta, San Sebasti?n del Oeste and Talpa de Allende in the State of Jalisco, Mexico, is here described and illustrated. The new taxon was confused with P. imbricata for long time, but differs from this species by its green floral bracts with the apex divergent to spreading (vs. red and appressed) and by the appendiculate at the base chartreuse-green petals (vs. not appendiculate yellow petals). Images and a distribution map of the taxa are presented.

Keywords:—Jalisco north coast, Pitcairnia subgenus Pitcairnia

Published names (1):
Pitcairnia abscondita