Souza et al. 2016 (Article) Brazil
Role of Terrestrial Bromeliads in Nutrient Cycling, Restinga da Marambaia, Brazil
Author(s):—R.C. Souza & A.N. Silva
Publication:—Floresta e Ambiente 23(2): 161-169. (2016)
Abstract:—This study quantified the aboveground biomass and nutrient contents in terrestrial bromeliads in a dune forest at Restinga da Marambaia, RJ. Data of individuals in “quadrats” (4 m2) marked on a line perpendicular to the sea were collected in August 2001. Diameter (d) and height (h) were the variables that best correlated with the biomass of Quesnelia quesneliana, which presented highest biomass and concentrations of K. The total number of leaves was the variable that best correlated with the biomass of Billbergia amoena and Neoregelia cruenta. N. cruenta presented the highest concentrations of N and P. Nutrient contents were higher in Q. quesneliana.
Keywords:—aboveground biomass, Atlantic Rain Forest, sandy coastal plain