<- Buneker 2021 (Article) Tillandsia [bi-lingual]

Epilithic Tillandsia Species in Southern Brazil (1): Reports of the Discovery, Taxonomy, Conservation Status and Threats, and Cultivation of Tillandsia witeckii

Author(s): Henrique Mallmann Büneker

Corresponding email:michael.h.j.barfuss@univie.ac.at

Publication:Die Bromelie 2021(3): 126-133. (2021)

German title:—Epilithische Tillandsia-Arten in Südbrasilien (1): Berichte über die Entdeckung, Taxonomie, Schutzstatus und Bedrohungen sowie Kultur von Tillandsia witeckii

Abstract:—This article describes the discovery of Tillandsia witeckii – named in honour of Leopoldo Witeck Neto – a narrowly endemic plant growing on a rocky escarpment on the edge of the Camaquã river in the southeastern part of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The taxonomy, conservation status and threats, and cultivation are discussed.