<- Zotz 2009 (Article) Tillandsia, Growth, Epiphyte

Growth in the xerophytic epiphyte Tillandsia flexuosa Sw. (Bromeliaceae)

Author(s):G. Zotz

Publication:Ecotropica 15: 7–12. (2009)

Abstract:—Vegetative growth of the xerophytic epiphyte Tillandsia flexuosa was studied both in situ and under controlled conditions in a growth chamber. Realized growth rates under natural conditions in the dry Peninsula de Azuero (Panama) were similar to those of previously studied epiphytes from wetter habitats. Near-optimal ex situ conditions stimulated growth only in smaller individuals. Field-collected plants were initially not nutrient starved, which can be deduced from the lack of a growth response to fertilization in contrast to a substantial irrigation effect. After several months, both increased water and nutrient availability had a strong effect on growth. A likely explanation for this finding is luxury consumption of nutrients.

Keywords:—luxury consumption, pastures, plant growth, RGR, tropical dry forest