Souza et al. 2021 (Article) Hohenbergia, Brazil
Rediscovering Natural Populations of Hohenbergia correia-araujoi Pereira & Moutinho, a Rare Yet Widely-Used Ornamental Bromeliad
Author(s):—E.H.D. Souza, B.P. Cavalcante & L.Y.S. Aona
Publication:—Cactus and Succulent Journal 93(3): 210-214. (2021) — DOI
Abstract:—Hohenbergia correia-araujoi Pereira & Moutinho is a member of the Bromeliaceae widely used in gardening, endemic to the Bahia state (Brazil), rarely collected since its description in 1980. Although the species is an ornamental bromeliad, the detailed occurrence range and its ecological and morphological traits are poorly known. In this paper, we present the rediscovery of natural populations of Hohenbergia correia-araujoi, adding information about its habitat, habit, plant shape, and presenting new morphological comparisons and geographical distribution of the species, as well photographs of living plants in the field.