Briceño & Morillo 2006 (Article) Venezuela
A catologue of the flowering plants from the Venezuelan Paramos. Part II. Monocotyledons (Liliopsida)
Author(s):—B. Briceño & G. Morillo
Publication:—Acta botánica Venezuelica 29(1): 89-134. (2006)
Abstract:—The present work represents an updated list of the Monocots (Liliopsida) present in the Venezuelan paramos. This catalog includes 17 families, 123 genera and 520 native species present in this ecosystem in Venezuela. Top monocot families at the species level in the paramos are Orchidaceae with 200, Poaceae with 179, Bromeliaceae with 42 and Cyperaceae with 39 species each one. It was found that of 520 native species, 68 are endemic to Venezuela, and in some cases to adjacent Colombian Andes, and from these 68 species, 58 endemic species belong to four families (Bromeliaceae, Orchidaceae, Poaceae and Cyperaceae). A characterization of the lower limit of the Venezuelan paramos based on the main genera of flowering plants present in the catalog (parts I y II) is also proposed.
Keywords:—Catalogue, Liliopsida, Monocotyledons, Paramos,Venezuela