<- Gouda & Kent 2021 (Article) Mezobromelia

The History of the Genus Mezobromelia and a New Combination for this Genus.

Author(s):E.J. Gouda & J. Kent

Corresponding email:e.j.gouda@uu.nl

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 71(2): 92-98. (2021)

Abstract:—The Genus Mezobromelia was created in 1935 with the description of Mezobromelia bicolor Smith (1935) and for a long time that would be the only species in the genus, until in 1948 Mezobromelia fulgens (Smith 1948) was described, now Gregbrownia fulgens Till & Barfuss (in Barfuss et al. 2016). Several other species described later were transferred to Gregbrownia in the same publication, like Mezobromelia lymansmithii Rauh & Barthlott (in Rauh 1976), Mezobromelia trollii Rauh (1977) and a new combination Mezobromelia hutchisonii (L.B.Sm.) Weber & Smith (1983) earlier described as Tillandsia hutchisonii Smith (1966). Mezobromelia brownii Luther (1991) was also transferred to Gregbrownia in that publication.

Several other species described in other genera were later transferred to Mezobromelia, like Tillandsia pleiosticha Grisebach (1865) as Mezobromelia pleiosticha Utley & Luther (1991) and has been in Guzmania, Thecophyllum and Vriesea before; Tillandsia capituligera Grisebach (1866) as Mezobromelia capituligera Grant (1993), and has been in Guzmania, Schlumbereria, Thecophyllum and Vriesea before; Tillandsia hospitalis Smith (1948) as Mezobromelia hospitalis Grant (1993) has been in Vriesea before; Vriesea magdalenae Smith (1963) as Mezobromelia magdalenae Grant (1993).

Published names (1):
Mezobromelia verecunda