MartÍnez et al. 2012 (Article) Mexico
Listado de Plantas Endémicas y en riesgo de la Reserva de la biosfera El Triunfo, Chiapas, México
Author(s):—R. MartÍnez C., M.Á. PÉrez F. & N. MartÍnez M.
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Publication:—Botanical Sciences 90(3): 263-285. (2012)
Abstract:—This paper is a review of the endemic and threatened plant species of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve. From a fl oristic inventory that includes 2,990 species and 12,835 herbarium records, we reviewed the presence of each species in the offi cial listings of the Mexican Norm (NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010) and Red List of International Union for Conservation of Nature, determined its level of endemism with support of a database. We obtained a checklist of 347 endemic species: 5.9% are endemic to the El Triunfo Reserve, 23.9% to Chiapas and 27.6% to Chiapas and Guatemala. We found 244 species at risk, for Mexican Norm status are: 28 to be protected, 36 threatened, and 11 endangered. For International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List categories are: 16 critically endangered, 63 endangered, 74 vulnerable, and 29 near threatened. The number of species endemics and threatened represent 17% of the estimated fl ora for El Triunfo Reserve and 4.2% of the fl ora of Chiapas. The cloud forest ecosystem presented the highest number of threatened and endemic species. The El Triunfo Reserve is located in a fl oristically diverse geographic region and protects a signifi cant number of plant species both endemic and threatened.
Keywords:—conservation, database, fl oristic richness, natural protected area, Sierra Madre de Chiapas.