Garcia & Moreira 2016 (Separate Publ.) Ecuador [esp]
Evaluation of Guayaquil's Historical Park Epiphyte Project
Author(s):—C.M. García & N.M. Moreira
Corresponding email:—
Publication:—© Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES (2016). ISBN: 1390 - 6399
esp title:—Evaluación del Proyecto Epífitas del Parque Histórico Guayaquil
Abstract:—In the year 2002 Parque Histórico Guayaquil implemented the Epiphytes! Collection Project in order to represent this stratum in the tropical dry forest. From that date, no evaluation has been made to assess its success. This is why an inventory update was made, along with proposed guidelines and a catalog that illustrates the epiphytes. A total of 36 species were registered, distributed in the Bromeliaceae (13 sp), (36%), Orchidaceae (11 sp), (31%), Araceae and Cactaceae (4 sp), (11%), Polypodiaceae (3 sp), (8%) and Piperaceae (1 sp), (3%) families. These numbers show that the amount of species diminished in 55 sp, (60 .44%) in comparison to the initial sow with 91 sp. The proposed hypothesis was declined since an increase in 50% was expected during the Projects 13 year management. The proposed guidelines included the recuperation, increase and maintenance of lost species. It was also suggested to diffuse information regarding the epiphytes, for which a catalog was created.
Keywords:—Guidelines, catalog, coilection, inventor, register, diffiision, host tree