<- Couto et al. 2020c (Article) Stigmatodon

Stigmatodon francae (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae), a New Species from Cliff Ecosystems on Inselbergs in Southeastern Brazil

Author(s):D.R. Couto, V.d.C. Manhães & A.F. Costa

Corresponding email:afcosta@acd.ufrj.br

Publication:NOVON 28: 275–280. (2020) — DOI

Abstract:—Stigmatodon Leme, G. K. Br. & Barfuss is an exclusively Brazilian genus of Bromeliaceae that occurs mainly on large vertical granite surfaces of inselbergs in the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil. A new species found in cliff ecosystems on inselbergs in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro is described and illustrated. Data are provided on its habitat, ecology, and geographical distribution, together with an evaluation of its conservation status according to IUCN criteria.

Keywords:—Atlantic Forest, Bromeliaceae, IUCN Red List, neotropics, rock outcrops, Stigmatodon, taxonomy, Vrieseinae.

Published names (1):
Stigmatodon francae