<- Georg 2020 (Dissertation) Neoregelia

Known only from Type - Identifying Neoregelia (Bromeliaceae) Clones by DNA Barcoding

Author(s):L. Georg

Publication:—Georg-August Universität Göttingen (2020).

Abstract:—Species of the family Bromeliaceae have a place in all botanical collections and also play an important role as houseplants for nearly two centuries [Hooker, 1825]. Due to the great ecological diversity, the right bromeliad can be found for every purpose and thanks to decades of hybridization and selection, Bromeliad enthusiasts play with ‘Fireballs’, ‘24-Carat’ and ‘Hannibal Lector’. Even though several species have a long history of cultivation and a large group of people is engaged in scientific activities, few is known about a group of Neoregelia species, which are possibly known only from their type collection. This work is about bringing light into darkness and capturing how much is left of this species group, which were known to be found only once until 1979.

Pages: 96