<- Melo et al. 2016 (Article) Brazil

Serra do Urubu, a biodiversity hot-spot for angiosperms in the northern Atlantic Forest (Pernambuco, Brazil)

Author(s):A. Melo, B.S. Amorim, E. Pessoa, J.R. Maciel & M. Alves

Corresponding email:aline_vmelo@yahoo.com.br

Publication:Check List 12(1): 1-25. (2016) — DOI

Abstract:—A list of angiosperms from Serra do Urubu,
a montane forest area in the state of Pernambuco, is
here provided. Based on 14 botanical expeditions and
material deposited in herbaria, 832 taxa belonging to
442 genera and 118 families have been recorded in this
area, with about 90% of the taxa identified to species
level. The richest families are Orchidaceae (86 spp.),
Fabaceae (51 spp.) and Rubiaceae (42 spp.). Miconia and
Solanum (14 spp. each), and Psychotria (13 spp.) are the
richest genera. About 15% of the recorded species are
endemic to the Atlantic Forest, and another 10% are
disjunct between this area and the Amazon Rainforest.
The results indicate that the Serra do Urubu is one of
the richest areas in terms of number of species of the
Atlantic Forest in the Northeast, and corroborates the
Pernambuco Endemism Center.

Keywords:—Brazilian Northeast; endemic species; floristics; hotspot; rock outcrops