<- Ferreira & Louzada 2020 (Article) Cryptanthus

A New Species of Cryptanthus (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae) in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest north of the São Francisco River, and its Contribution to the Taxonomy of the Genus

Author(s):D.M.C. Ferreira & R.B. Louzada

Corresponding email:rafael.louzada@ufpe.br

Publication:Systematic Botany, 45(3): 460-465. (2020) — DOI

Abstract:—Cryptanthus cinereus D.M.C. Ferreira & Louzada, a new rare species of Bromeliaceae restricted to northeastern Brazil, is described and illustrated. Cryptanthus cinereus is a rupicolous plant that occurs in the Atlantic Forest on the top of a rocky outcrop and is known only from a single record. This new species is morphologically similar to Cryptanthus felixii, but differs mainly by its narrowly triangular leaves that are wider at base, primary bracts with adaxial surfaces densely lepidote (vs. glabrous or glabrous with base densely lepidote), shorter flowers (39–52 mm), sepal lobes lanceolate, with shorter connate sepals (1.6–5 mm) and petals (1–1.2 mm). An identification key to Cryptanthus cinereus and other species that occur in the Atlantic Forest north of the São Francisco River is provided. In addition, two species complexes are characterized for the area.

Keywords:—Bromeliad, Poales, rocky outcrop

Published names (1):
Cryptanthus cinereus*
* synonyms or not accepted names are marked