Leitman et al. 2014 (Article) Brazil, Epiphyte
Epiphytic angiosperms in a mountain forest in southern Bahia, Brazil
Author(s):—P. Leitman, A. Amorim, L.M. Neto & R.C. Forzza
Publication:—Biota Neotropica 14(2): 1–12. (2014) — DOI
Abstract:—The Atlantic Forest in southern Bahia State, Brazil, has high levels of diversity and vascular plant endemism. There have been few floristic surveys of the mountain forests there, however, especially those focusing on herbs and canopy plants, with studies of Atlantic Forest epiphytes having been limited to the southern and southeastern region of that country. The present study therefore surveyed the epiphytic angiosperms in the Serra das Lontras National Park (SLNP), the distribution of their species among genera and families, and their biogeographical patterns. Fieldwork was performed between February 2011 and March 2012. Collections were made along roads and trails and phorophytes were occasionally climbed and fallen trees and branches examined in order to sample canopy species. The study site demonstrated high epiphyte richness (256 spp.), one of the highest recorded in the Atlantic Forest. The richest families are Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae, and Araceae, reaffirming the patterns reported in previous major reviews on epiphytes. The species exhibit high degrees of endemism (45%) to the Atlantic Forest, especially among the Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae. One new occurrence to Brazil, four to the Atlantic Forest and 30 to Bahia state are registered. The SLNP shares more species with areas of southern and southeastern Brazil than with other northeastern states.
Keywords:—Atlantic forest, Araceae, Bromeliaceae, Orchidaceae, biogeographical patterns